Friday, August 19, 2005

The Ears of the Library Squirrel are Sharp and Perky

Between studying five languages, working on the reference desk for 10 years, and living with a child learning to talk, I have the sharpest ear for language these days.

Last week, a man with a strong accent came to the Desk to ask me "Do you have Ohmarrrruk dictionary?" To my surprise at my astuteness, I immediately answered, "An Amharic dictionary? I think so. Let me check for you."

Likewise, I was in the Children's Department on Saturday, and a small boy ambled up to me and said, "Awhaoooh?" To which I answered, "I'm good, and how are you?"

When the Martians land on Earth some day, perhaps I can get a job as a skilled translator squirrel with the Rodentia Intelligentsia unit of Secret Services.


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