Friday, May 28, 2004

My Aunt Frieda - God

There are just so many things to write about, but let's focus on my Aunt Frieda for a minute.

My Aunt Frieda is very Catholic. Catholic in the smug, God-talks-to-me, let me tell you about what you're doing wrong in your life, sort of way. Here's a funny story. I have a cousin, Darren, who is mentally challenged. A number of years ago, Aunt Frieda arrived at his house. Darren stepped outside, took one look at her, and announced to the world, "God's here!"

That's Aunt Frieda.


Blogger Woodchick said...

Godliness, however, never got in the way of Aunt Frieda uttering such loving phrases to her neices, such as my personal favourite, "Are you going to sleep until the sun shines up the crack of your ass?"

As a matter of fact, yes.

9:07 pm  

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