Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Kitchen Renovations - Day 2

Here is the report on Day 2, for those impatient Thailand tourists who can't simply relax on the beach and think about nothing.

Day 2 was great. Must first mention hubris - never rejoice and say 'My child is sleeping better' before the night is over. Thus and therefore, Day 2 started out a little foggy.

We only got a few things done, but they were big things. We gutted the west wall, which actually had NO INSULATION in it. No insulation is not a good thing when the weather can reach -40 celcius... It was nice, though, not to be setting free mounds of black blow-in stuff. (When you're a squirrel, there's an upside to everything.)

Jimbo decided that Day 2 was the day to change the window, since we need the electrician to come soon, and he needs to work around the new window fitting. Changing the window took approximately 10 hours, all told, with the header and the footer, and removing all the surrounding siding on the outside of the house. We want to put the sink under the window, so we switched a long skinny window for a wider, higher-up window. It's fantastic. It looks so great (despite the unfortunate view of the neighbour's camper trailer).

John, the cabinet-maker who lives down the alley ("Love the commute," he said), is making all of our cupboards. He's going to make them, and I'm going to finish them. Have just learned that cupboards have two parts, the insides ("boxes"), and the outsides (don't know the proper word for these yet). John arrived with the boxes in pieces, and I put the sealing coat of varnish on them yesterday in the garage. Every flat surface is holding a piece of varnished plywood in there. Once they're completely finished, he'll assemble them in the kitchen.

I have taken a bunch of pictures with the digital camera, and am going to learn how to put them up here (but am technically-challenged squirrel, so you must wait patiently).

Last night, at the end of Day 2, Sprout and I were reading "Pajama Time" (don't you love Sandra Boynton) to the ambient sounds of Daddy stapling tarpaper to the house. At the end, it says "Hop into bed, turn out the light, you can have a party in your dreams tonight." And Sprout said, "Mummy, party, party." That's my boy.


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