Drugs. Or Licorice.
I am at work, crunching stats on an informal staff survey. I am on a Staff ID Committee, and the survey we did is on whether staff would be willing to wear a nametag or uniform when they're at work, to designate them as library staff.
I'm so glad that we did this survey, since getting staff input on something that affects us all is something I believe in strongly. BUT. But, counting all the stats is, well, deadly boring.
Since I don't have any mind-altering drugs in my little office to cut the tedium, I've turned to the soothing properties of red candy licorice whips. Oh yeah. Uh huh.
By the way, 100 librarians agree: wearing uniforms, or nametags with your personal name on them, are JUST NOT ON. But you might talk us into a nametag that says 'Library Staff'... Maybe...